Site pages
A Comparative Analysis of Fuel Oxygenates in Soil by Dynamic and Static Headspace Utilizing the HT3 Automatic Headspace Analyzer
Achieving Low-Level Detection of Benzene in Beverages with an Automated Headspace Vial Sampler
Achieving ppt Levels of Environmental Volatiles with a New Headspace Sampler
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Qualitative Analysis by GC-MS
Ammonia synthesis - Case Study
Analysing Jet Fuel for Biofuel Contaminants – Safety First
Analysis of 2,4-DNPH Derivatised Aldehydes by HPLC-DAD
Analysis of DEHP in Drinking Water by HPLC-DAD
Analysis of dioxins by GC-TQMS
Analysis of Fat Soluble Vitamins By HPLC-DAD
Analysis of Fatty Acids in Fish Oil Supplements using SCION GC-FID
Analysis of Flavour Compounds in Milk Flavourings
Analysis of Fusel Alcohols using HT3 Headspace Sampling
Analysis of Greenhouse Gases by Gas Chromatography
Analysis of Methanol in Biodiesel by HT3 and Versa Headspace Sampling
Analysis of Mineral Oil Hydrocarbons utilising Temperature Programmed Large Vol Injections
Analysis of Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids
Analysis of Water Soluble Vitamins By HPLC-DAD
Application Solutions
ASTM D1946 Refinery Gas Analysis using the SCION Rapid RGA Analyzer
ASTM D2887 - Analysis of Boiling Point Distributions in Petroleum Fractions using Simulated Distillation
ASTM D2887-B - Fast Analysis of Boiling Point Distributions in Petroleum Fractions Using Simulated Distillation
ASTM D3524; Standard Test Method for Diesel Fuel Diluent in Used Diesel Engine Oils by Gas Chromatography
ASTM D3525; Standard Test Method for Gasoline Diluent in Used Gasoline Engine Oils by Gas Chromatography
ASTM D3612: Transformer Oil Gas Analysis via Headspace Sampling
ASTM D5580 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, p/m-xylene, o-xylene, C9 and Heavier Aromatics, and Total Aromatics in Finished Gasoline by Gas Chromatography (GC).
ASTM D5769; Standard Test Method for Determination of Benzene, Toluene, and Total Aromatics in Finished Gasolines by GC-MS
ASTM D6584: Analysis of Free and Total Glycerin in B-100 Biodiesel Methyl Esters
ASTM D6729, Determination of Individual components in spark ignition engine fuels by 100 metre capillary high resolution gas chromatography
ASTM D6730, Determination of Individual Components in Spark Ignition Engine Fuels
ASTM D7059: Methanol in Crude Oil Analysis
ASTM D7169: Boiling Point in Crude Oils & Residual Samples using High Temp SIMDIST
ASTM D7423 - Analysis of Low Level Oxygenates (LOWOX) in Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG)
ASTM D7504 Standard Test Method for Trace Impurities in Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Gas Chromatography and Effective Carbon Number.
ASTM D7900 Standard Test Method for Determination of Light Hydrocarbons in Stabilized Crude Oils by Gas Chromatography
ASTM D8098: Analysis of Permanent Gases in C2 and C3 Hydrocarbon Products by Gas Chromatography and Pulsed Discharge Helium Ionization Detection
Biodiesel Analysis
Blood alcohol determination by HT3 Automatic Static/Dynamic Headspace Sampler
Cannabis - Profiling and Quantification
Cannabis Potency by GC-MS
Cannabis Potency Testing by GC-FID
Cannabis Terpene Analysis by GC-MS SQ
Restricted content
CO2 methanation - Case Study
Comparison of BTEXS in Olive Oils by Static and Dynamic HT3 Headspace
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Crude Oil Analysis - Combining Simulated Distillation (ASTM D7169) and Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis (ASTM D7900) to Give a Full Boiling Point Distribution of Crude Oils.
Detection of Ethylene Oxide (EO) Residue in Medical Protective Products
Determination of Brominated Flame Retardants by Gas Chromatography
Determination of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in Edible Argan Oil
Determination of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in Olive Oil Using GC-SQMS
Determination of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in olive oil using GCFID
Determination of Free Glycerol Content in Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) and Biodiesel According to EN-14106
Determination of Furan in Coffee by Static and Dynamic Headspace/GC/MS
Determination of Hexanal in Foods Utilizing Dynamic Headspace GC/MS
Determination of Light Hydrocarbons in Stabilised Crude Oils - Gas Chromatography Method
Determination of Limonene in Recycled HDPE Pellets
Determination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in water using GC-SQMS
Determination of Sulphur Gases in Natural Gas
Determination of Terpenes in Cannabis by GC-FID
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Doubling Throughput in Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Analysis
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EN 14103 - Determination of Total FAME and Linolenic Acid Methyl Esters in Biodiesel
EN 14105: Determination of Free and Total Glycerine and mono-, di-, triglyceride content in B-100 Biodiesel Methyl Esters
EN 14110: Determination of Methanol Content in Biodiesel
EN15199-1 Determination of Boiling Range Distribution by Gas Chromatography Method Part 1: Middle Distillates and Lubricating Base Oils
Environmental Monitoring
EPA 515: Determination of Chlorinated Acidic Herbicides with a two-column System and Dual Electron Capture Detection
EPA 8260: Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds by GC-MS
Evaluating Food Products for Furan and Other Volatile Organic Compounds
Extended Analysis of Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids
FAME - Fatty Acid Methyl Ester analysis
Fast Trace Analysis in Ultra High Purity Helium using Parallel PLOT Columns and a Single PDHID Detector
Flavour and Aroma Profile of Hops Using FET-Headspace on the SCION Instruments Versa using GC-MS
Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) by Headspace GC-FID
Headspace Assay of Polymers used in the Automotive Industry with an HT3 Dynamic Headspace Instrument
High Temperature Headspace Assay of Polymers with SCION Instruments HT3 Static Headspace Instrument
HPLC Cannabinoid Analysis - Cannabis Potency Analysis by HPLC
Identification and Analysis of Plastics and Microplastics
Import and Export of Chemicals EU/UK REACH Substance Identity Requirements
Instrument Detection Limit (IDL) for the Scion SQ GC-MS
IP480 Determination of Boiling Range Distribution of Middle Distillates and Lubricating Base Oils - Gas Chromatography Method
IP507 Determination of boiling range distribution of heavy distillate and residual fuel oils — Gas chromatography method
ISO 21087 and ISO 14687 - Low Level Sulphur Analysis in Hydrogen using PFPD
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Multiplexed pesticide analysis by GC-TQMS
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Oil & Gas
Optimal Quantification of THC in Blood
Optimization of volatile petroleum hydrocarbons analysis by automated headspace using method development tools.
Performance of EPA Method 8270 using Hydrogen Carrier Gas on SCION GC-MS
Pesticide Detection and Analysis
Plant Protection Products Active Ingredient Assay by GC-FID with Nitrogen Carrier Gas
Plant Protection Products Impurity Assay by GC-FID with Hydrogen Carrier Gas
Plant Protection Products Impurity Screening by GC-FID with GC-MS Confirmation
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Propane Aromatization - Case Study
Rapid Screening of Phthalates in Printed Circuit Boards using Pyrolysis GC-MS
Refinery Gas Analyzers
Residual Solvent Analysis of Chemical Products by GC-FID with Hydrogen as a Carrier Gas
Residual Solvents in Cannabis by HS-GC-MS
SCION Instruments
SCION Instruments
SCION Instruments Flow Through Cell for Online Sampling
Simultaneous Analysis of Phenoxyethanol and Parabens
Simultaneous Analysis of Synthetic Food Dyes by HPLC-DAD
Simultaneous Analysis of Triazole Fungicides by HPLC-DAD
Soil Analysis
Terms & Conditions
The Analysis of Electronic Cigarette E-Liquid Ingredients by GC-MS
The Determination of True Boiling Point data in Light hydrocarbon streams by Ultra-Fast DHA and Fugacity Film model Software modelling
The Mini Gas Splitter: SCION Instruments’ Tool to Improve Analytical Accuracy
The Use of Alternative Carrier Gases in Gas Chromatography
Toluene hydrogenation - Case Study
Toluene Methanolation - Case Study
Trace Impurities in Mixed Xylenes by GC UOP Method 931-10
Transformer Oil Gas Analysis via Stripper Column (ASTM D3612)
Two Headspace Solutions for the Analysis of Dissolved Gases in Water by Method RSKSOP-175
UOP555, Trace impurities in Benzene by Gas Chromatography
UOP690, C₈ and Low Boiling Paraffins and Naphthenes in Low-Olefin Hydrocarbons by GC
UOP744, Aromatics in hydrocarbons by Gas Chromatography
VOC Analysis in Contact Packaging Materials Using the HT3 Automated Headspace Analyser
Water Analysis
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