Method development ensures that analytical assays are accurate, precise, and reliable. The process begins with a thorough understanding of the sample, including its composition and properties. Key factors to consider include the sample’s matrix, concentration, quantity, and chemical or physical characteristics. These elements must be evaluated before defining the method parameters.
Once the sample is understood, the next step is to identify the goals of the analysis. What is the purpose of analysing the sample? For instance, are we aiming to quantify the compound, characterize it, or simply detect its presence?
After establishing the goals, we then determine the analysis requirements. This involves selecting the appropriate mode of chromatography, choosing the right detector, deciding on data quantification methods (such as using an internal standard), and defining the desired levels of accuracy and precision.
Where to watch
Watch on demand webinar featuring our lead application scientists, where they’ll dive deep into method development topics. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more!
James covers the following key topics in his presentation:
• Initial considerations – column choice, liner choice, instrument parameters
• Optimising method – achieving resolution, sensitivity using analytical standard
• Introducing sample matrix – sample prep considerations
• SCION consumables kits overview – perfect for method development
• Validation considerations to ensure good working of method
Method validation aims to ensure that the analytical assays used are accurate, precise, reliable and suitable for their intended purpose. Even when method validation is not required it is still useful to partially validate your analytical method to ensure the method is reliable.
This guide will help you understand the terminology associated with chromatography. This technical note aims to provide clarity on some of the most commonly used terms within the industry to help understand your application
Understanding the terminology associated with sample preparation is crucial for success in any application. From solvents to extraction methods, knowing the right techniques can make all the difference. This guide we will break down the jargon so you can confidently navigate the world of sample preparation.
There are many reasons why we need to prepare a sample before we can analyse it. Some common reasons include cleaning the sample, increasing analyte concentration, changing the sample solvent or matrix. With the help of this Sample prep guide you will learn methods that make it easier to detect and measure the analyte.
In this guide, we will delve into the concept of Liquid-Liquid Extraction, the process of Choosing the Extraction Solvent, as well as the step-by-step Extraction Procedure, among other important topics.
Manual Solid Phase Extraction:
In this technical note, you’ll discover the fundamentals of solid phase extraction. Learn about the different types of sorbents, their practical applications, and get a step-by-step walkthrough of the solid phase extraction process.