Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results
Technical Notes

An Alternative to Mass Spec (MS) Analyte Confirmation - Complementary Chromatography

When validating an analytical method it is highly likely that analyte confirmation will be required for either active ingredients(s) and/or impurities present within the sample. Discover an alternative to mass spec analyte confirmation in this technical note.
Technical Notes

Accuracy and Precision - What's the Difference?

Understanding the concepts of accuracy and precision is crucial in analytical method development and laboratory practices. This technical note outlines the difference between the two measurements, and explores various ways to enhance both accuracy and precision.
Technical Notes

What Even Is a Buffer? Mobile Phase Considerations

Careful buffer concentration selection is essential to achieve reproducible results without compromising column integrity. For a detailed guide, read this article.
Technical Notes

The Importance of Lab Equipment Calibration

Lab equipment calibration is essential for minimising uncertainty in measurements as it ensures the accuracy of test equipment. Learn more about how to calibrate your equipment including balances and pipettes, to ensure accurate chromatography.
Technical Notes

How To Determine Outliers In Analytical Data

Erroneous data point can be avoided through careful planning of a method validation. But, how exactly do we determine what is and isn’t an outlier? How do we justify the rejection of a suspected spurious data point? Find out in this blog.
Technical Notes

Internal Standards - What Are They? How Do I Choose, Use and Benefit From Them?

Learn all about Internal Standards for Gas Chromatography in this blog. From how to choose, use and benefit from them.