INFRA Mexico – Customer Testimonial

The INFRA group is one of the most important manufacturers of industrial gases in the world. The Mexican company specialises in the production of industrial, medical, and special gases, catering to a variety of markets.

It is our privilege to collaborate with the Quality Control Laboratory at INFRA, serving as their trusted supplier of GC systems. Recently we had the opportunity to connect with David Ortega, the Quality Control Lab Manager at INFRA, who shared insights into his experience with our SCION.

Tell us about your company and how you stand out from competitors.

INFRA is a 100% Mexican Company that produces Industrial, Medical and Special gases for a variety of markets. It is the company dominating the Mexican Market with the best coverage of the National territory for Gas supply, they have multiple stores in every city. They have a close relationship with Air Products, one of the largest gas suppliers worldwide.

Tell us about yourself and your role in the company

I am a Chemical Engineer graduated from UAM (Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana). With 24 years of experience in Gas Chromatography, I started working with GC in the IMP (Mexican Institute of Petroleum) analyzing Hydrocarbons and its derivatives.

I have been working in the Quality Control Lab in INFRA for 11 years, 90% of the total products produced in the Barrientos Plant are being analyzed in my lab on a daily basis.

Tell us what SCION product(s) you have purchased and why you chose to purchase them?

We have 5 456 GCs (the 456 is the previous generation of our current 8500 GC model). SCION Instruments was selected to renew all the GCs in the lab to continue with the Varian legacy, besides this fact, SCION offered the best price-benefit offer when they initially quoted all GCs.

Describe your analytical / business challenges – and how your SCION products helped you to meet them.

SCION has been a key asset for the PT (proficiency testing) we performed in 2023, showing the best results in this test from a group of laboratories that participated.

RSDs of 0.5% are always obtained when working with the GCs from SCION, even better than the ones we got in the past while working with Varian.

Excellent quality in the EFCs and all other components in the GC.

Working with the SCION GC is also allowing us to keep the certification on the NMX 17025

Give us a personal quote relating to your experience of working with SCION and using SCION products.

Excellent quality in the GCs, superior results when comparing with other brands, friendly and easy to use hardware and software. The transition from Varian to SCION was natural and smooth

Would you recommend SCION to other businesses? If so, why?

Totally! The price-quality ratio is excellent, we are promoting the brand to other plants in INFRA, and with customers.

Work with Us

We are delighted to hear that INFRA have had a positive experience working with the team at SCION and yielding positive outcomes using our instruments.

If you think SCION sounds like the right fit for your business, contact us today, and a member of our team will be delighted to help.

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