Comparison of HPLC Columns and Their Features

Comparison of Reverse Phase Chromatography Column Features

ODS columns are the most popular reverse phase columns that are packed with silica-based octadecyl groups. Polymer based reverse phase columns with different functional groups are also available. The following descriptions detail the column features, as should be used as a guideline to select a suitable column for the desired applications.

HPLC Column Comparison

Download the Comparison of HPLC ColumnsĀ  guide to view tables detailing the product name, plate number, particle size, pore size, column size, and associated part number for polymer based reverse phase chromatography columns.

Comparison of Polymer Based Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography (HILIC) Column Features

The following table details the feature of all available HILICPak chromatography columns, suitable for use with hydrophilic interaction chromatography separations.

HPLC Column Comparison Chart

The next table details the features of Asahipak, HILIC separation columns. All columns are polymer based.


Comparison of Silica Based Reverse Phase Chromatography Columns (ODS) Features

The following table details the features of all ODS, silica based reverse phase chromatography columns. These are the most versatile C18 columns available and are typically used for method development and validation.


Comparison of Silica Based Reverse Phase Chromatography Columns (Others) Features

The following table details the features of all other ODS silica based reverse phase chromatography columns. These columns are recommended where C18 columns provide too much retention. The other ODS column range also includes modified cyanopropyl and nitrophenylethyl columns.

Comparison of Silica Based Reverse Phase Chromatography Columns

Comparison of Silica Based Normal Phase Chromatography and HILIC Columns

The following table details hydrophilic interaction chromatography columns which can be used in HILIC mode. These include a high purity silica column and a modified aminopropyl column.

Download the Full Comparison of HPLC Columns Guide

For all details of the product name, plate number, particle size, pore size, column size and associated part numbers of all other ODS silica based reverse phase chromatography columns, refer to our column guide.