HPLC Troubleshooting Guide

Dive into our comprehensive liquid chromatography troubleshooting guide and resolve any issues with your analysis today.

Retention time drift 

HPLC troubleshooting - Retention Time Drift

  • Poor temperature control – Use thermostat column oven. Change column oven temperature. 
  • Incorrect mobile phase composition – Prepare fresh mobile phase. Check mixer is working for gradient methods. 
  • Poor column equilibration – Increase column equilibration time. Condition the column. 
  • Change in flow rate – Reset flow rate. Test using a liquid flow meter. 
  • Air bubbles in the system – Degas the mobile phase. Purge the system. 

Baseline noise

  •  Leak – Check for loose fittings. Tighten gently. Check pump seals. Replace if worn out. 
  • Incorrect mobile phase – Check for the use of only miscible mobile phases and correct preparation. 
  • Air bubbles in system – Flush system with a strong organic solvent. Purge the system. Degas mobile phase. 
  • Detector cell contaminated – Clean cell flow. 
  • Detector lamp low energy – Replace lamp. 
  • Stationary phase of column exposed – Replace column. 

 Baseline drifting 

Baseline Drifting Liquid Chromatography

  • Column temperature fluctuation – Use a thermostat column oven. Use a thermometer to check the accuracy of the set temperature. 
  • Incorrect mobile phase composition – Prepare fresh mobile phase. Check mixer is working for gradient methods. 
  • Contamination of detector flow cell – Flush flow cell with a strong organic solvent. If no improvement is seen, change the flow cell. 
  • Damaged flow cell – Replace flow cell. 
  • Pump outlet blocked – Remove blockage. If no improvement is seen, replace outlet. 
  • Flow rate change – Reset flow rate. Test using liquid flow meter. 
  • Poor column equilibration – Increase column equilibration time. If recently changed mobile phase, purge the system and pump of old solvent with new mobile phase using 20 column volumes. 
  • Retained peaks look like baseline drifts –Use a guard column. Thoroughly flush the column with a strong organic solvent before the next injection.  
  • UV detector not set at maximum absorbance – Use maximum absorbance wavelength of target compound(s) 
  • Reference wavelength of detector is incorrect – Ensure reference wavelength of the detector is different to target compounds. 
  • UV absorbing mobile phase – Use non-UV absorbing HPLC grade solvent. 

 Baseline pulsing 

Liquid Chromatography Troubleshooting - Baseline Pulsing

  • Proportioning valves are sticking – Clean thoroughly. If necessary, replace valves (I am not quite sure what is meant by proportioning valves are sticking) 
  • Debris in the flow cell – Check flow cell and flush. If contaminated, contact SCION engineer for maintenance.

Broad peaks 

Broad Peaks - LC Troubleshooting

  • Mobile phase composition changed – Make new mobile phase. Add buffer to mobile phase. 
  • Leaks between column and detector – Check for loose fittings. 
  • Flow rate too low – Increase flow rate. 
  • Detector not set correctly – Check detector settings and adjust. 
  • Column overloading – Decrease injection volume.  
  • Tubing between column and detector is too long and/or incorrect internal diameter – Reduce flow path. Use narrower internal diameter tubing. 
  • Guard column/ column contaminated – Replace guard column/ column. 
  • No resolution of two peaks – Change column to improve separation. 
  • Column temperature too low – Increase column temperature.

Peak tailing 

Peak Tailing - Liquid Chromatography

  • Flow path too long – Use narrower and shorter PEEK tubing. 
  • Prolonged analyte retention – Modify mobile phase composition. Use appropriate mobile phase buffer. Use a different stationary phase column. 
  • Blocked column – Reverse phase flush column with a strong organic solvent. Replace column. 
  • Interfering peak – Change mobile phase composition. Increase gradient program. Use longer column. 
  • Wrong mobile phase pH – Adjust mobile phase pH. Prepare new mobile phase with correct pH. 
  • Active sites on column – Change column. 

Extra peaks

  •  Contamination – Flush system with a strong organic solvent. Use/replace guard column, filter sample and replace filters in solvent bottle. 
  • Carry over – Flush system with a strong organic solvent. Increase run time or gradient. 
  • Ghost peaks – Prepare fresh mobile phase. Reduce injection volume. 

Peak fronting 

Peak Fronting - HPLC Troubleshooting

  • Column temperature too low – Increase temperature. Use thermostat column over. 
  • Sample overload – Reduce injection volume. Dilute sample  
  • Wrong mobile phase composition – Prepare fresh mobile phase. 
  • Solvent incompatibility – Prepare/dilute sample in the mobile phase. 
  • Column stationary phase depleted – Replace column. Use new column with different stationary phase. 

Peak Distortion

  •  Injection – Reduce injection volume. Dilute sample. Use weaker injection solvent. 
  • Ghost peaks – Decrease injection volume. Prepare fresh mobile phase. 
  • Carry over – Flush system with a strong organic solvent. Increase run time and gradient. 

Split peaks 

Liquid Chromatography Troubleshooting - Split Peaks

  • Contamination – Flush system with a strong organic solvent. Use/replace guard column, filter sample and replace filters in solvent bottle. 
  • Wrong mobile phase composition – Prepare fresh mobile phase. Change mobile phase to suit target compound(s). 

Loss of sensitivity 

HPLC Loss of Sensitivity 

  • Injection volume too low – Check injection volume is correct. 
  • Needle blocked – Flush needle. Replace needle. 
  • Detector time constant too large – Decrease time constant. 
  • Contaminated guard column/ column – Replace guard column/ column. 
  • Incorrect mobile phase composition – Prepare new mobile phase. 
  • Air bubbles in system – Degas the mobile phase. Purge the system. 

Low resolution

  • Contaminated mobile phase – Prepare new mobile phase. 
  • Contaminated guard column/ column – Replace guard column/ column. 

Pressure fluctuations 

Liquid Chromatography Troubleshooting - Pressure Fluctuations 

  • Air in system – Degas all solvents. Purge pump. 
  • Check valve fault – Replace check valves.  
  • Leak – Identify leak. Tighten/replace fittings. 
  • Pump seal failure – Replace seal. 
  • Blocked flow cell – Clean flow cell. Replace flow cell. 
  • Blocked column – Reverse flush column, if possible. Replace guard column and/or column. 
  • Blocked injector – Flush needle and tubing. Replace the needle and/or tubing. 
  • Blocked pump – Flush with strong solvent. Change in-line filter. 

No pressure 

  • Power supply off – Turn on power supply. Check/replace fuse. 
  • Piston damage – Replace piston. 
  • Air bubbles in the system – Purge system. Prime system with mobile phase. 
  • No mobile phase – Prepare new mobile phase. 
  • Check valves fault – Check valves. Replace valves. 
  • Leak – Identify source of the leak. Tighten fittings. Replace fittings. 

High pressure 

  • Flow rate too high – Lower flow rate. 
  • Column blockage – Backflush column. Replace column. 
  • Injector blockage – Flush injector with a strong organic solvent. Replace injector. 
  • Column temperature too low – Increase column temperature. 
  • Mobile phase precipitation – Flush the system with a strong organic solvent. Prepare fresh mobile phase. 
  • In-liner filter blockage – Replace filter. 

Low pressure 

  • Flow rate too low – Increase flow rate. 
  • Leak – Identify leak. Tighten fittings. Replace fittings. 
  • Column temperature too high – Decrease column temperature. 

General leaks 

  • Fittings are loose, overtightened or damaged – Check all fittings. Loosen or tighten. Replace damaged fittings. 
  • Incompatible parts – Ensure all tubing and fittings are compatible. Replace with appropriate fittings. 

Leaks at pump and autosampler 

  • Seal failure – Check all seals. Replace with new. 
  • Sample loop blocked – Flush with a strong organic solvent. Replace sample loop. 
  • Waste tubing blocked – Flush with a strong organic solvent. Replace waste tubing. 
  • Syringe failure – Tighten syringe gently. Replace syringe. 

Leaks at column 

  • End-fittings are loose – Tighten gently. 
  • Wrong sized frit thickness. Use correct frit. 
  • Tubing installed incorrectly – Replace all tubing with correct size. 

Leaks at detector 

  • Flow cell damaged – Replace flow cell. 
  • Flow cell blocked – Flush flow cell with solvent. 
  • Loose fittings – Tighten all fittings gently. 


Get In Touch

If you have any questions regarding liquid chromatography troubleshooting, get in touch.