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8900 Triple Quadrupole GC-MS

8900 Triple Quadrupole GC-MS

Welcome to the fastest triple quadrupole GC-MS on the market. The SCION 8900 Triple Quadrupole GC-MS combines fast scan rates, increased MRM rates, and high sensitivity, making it the ideal instrument for all your quantitative mass spectrometry needs.

When paired with our top-tier GC instruments, the SCION 8900 TQ-MS sets a new standard for usability in quantitative analysis. It delivers a flexible solution for any laboratory, offering superior sensitivity, robustness, innovative ion optics, fast and easy method development, and reliable quantification.


  • Fastest triple quadrupole GC mass spectrometer on the market (30,000 Da/s, 1000 MRM/s)
  • Robust, for the analysis of real samples at high sensitivity
  • The most sensitive GC-TQMS available
  • Small footprint without compromise on quality
  • Active focusing Q0
  • Compound-based scanning software
  • Easy method development tools



Regardless of sample type or throughput, SCION GC Mass Spec can provide an automated solution to meet your requirements. Two SCION sampler options are available, the 8400 Pro and 8410 Pro. Each can be tailored to meet specific sampling needs and workloads. Other samplers like Versa and HT3 Headspace and CTC PAL-xt systems are easily integrated.


Gas chromatography mass spectrometry plays an important role within the chemical industry. SCION offers custom and standard GC-MS systems in line with industry regulations to ensure product quality and accurate results. Our comprehensive infrastructure ensures constant 24/7 uptime, high-end redundancy, and efficient automation that are optimised for the chemical industry thanks to our dedicated GC-MS solutions.


SCION’s TQ Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer is renowned for its sensitivity, sample throughput, and minimal downtime, making it particularly suited for the pharmaceutical industry. Primarily, it facilitates the researching, synthesizing, and quality-control testing of new drugs, active ingredients, and associated metabolites in non-clinical pharmacokinetics studies. This highly reliable instrument is also useful for clinical toxicology, substance abuse detection, and new-born screening tests for inborn errors of metabolism. Ultimately, SCION’s TQ GC-MS is your go-to solution for any application that requires maximum sensitivity, performance, and operational efficiency.