Showing 1 - 10 of 18 results
How to Guides

A Guide to Analytical Method Validation

Analytical method validation is important across many different industries including, pharmaceutical, environmental, food and chemical manufacturing. Method validation aims to ensure that the analytical assays used are accurate, precise, reliable and suitable for their intended purpose.
How to Guides

A Guide to Analytical Method Development

Analytical method development is important across many different industries including, pharmaceutical, environmental, food and chemical manufacturing. Method development aims to ensure that the analytical assays used are accurate, precise and reliable.
Technical Notes

Understanding Chromatography Terminology

Understanding the terminology associated with chromatography is important in order to understand your application. This technical note aims to provide clarity on some of the most commonly used terms within the industry.
How to Guides

Understanding Sample Preparation Terminology

Understanding the terminology associated with sample preparation is important in order to understand your application. This technical note aims to provide clarity on some of the most commonly used terms within the industry.
Technical Notes

Sample Preparation – Choosing a Sample Preparation Technique

There are a variety of reasons why we may need to prepare a sample before it can be analyzed, some of the most common reasons are cleaning up the sample, increasing the concentration of the target analyte, switching the sample solvent or matrix and derivatization of the analyte.
Technical Notes

Sample Preparation – Manual Solid Phase Extraction

Solid phase extraction (SPE) is a technique that is used to clean up and concentrate samples prior to analysis by gas chromatography (GC) or high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This often involves the use of SPE cartridges which are cartridges that contain a chromatographic sorbent bed, the analytes will remain on the sorbent bed and the sample matrix liquid will
Technical Notes

Sample Preparation – Liquid-Liquid Extraction

LLE is perhaps one of the oldest and most widely used sample extraction techniques, it has applications across many different industries including pharmaceutical, pesticide and forensics. LLE can also be used in the environmental and food industries for numerous applications – such as the analysis of semi-volatile organic compounds.
Technical Notes

Sample Preparation – Derivatization Extraction

Derivatization extraction can increase the detectability of the target analyte. It is also able to allow for the analysis of compounds which are not directly amenable because they may have inadequate volatility or stability.
How to Guides

Gas Chromatography – Definition, Uses, Advantages & More

Gas Chromatography (GC) is an analytical technique applied to separate and identify the chemical properties within a sample.
How to Guides

Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)

Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) is an analytical technique with combines the two powerful techniques of gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry (MS), to analyze the compounds present within complex chemical mixtures.