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North America
Techcomp America | Scion Instruments Canada | Aliance Group |
USA | Canada | Cuba |
T: 1-844-547-0022 | Contact: Robert Molino | T: +53 5 3479520 |
E: sales-USA@scioninstruments.com | E: sales-can@scioninstruments.com | E: l.duran@aliancgroup.com |
W: https://scioninstruments.com// | W: www.scioninstruments.ca | W: https://annardx.com/ |
Instrumentos y Equipos Falcon | Techcomp Latino SA de CV | |
Mexico | Mexico | |
T: +52 55 4940 4888 | T: + 52 55 55 38 8561 | |
E: eduardo.coronel@falconmx.com | E: victor.badillo@scioninstruments.com | |
W: falcon.mx/ | W: techcomp-instruments.com |
South America
SC Instruments | D’Amico Sistemas | Chemsol |
Argentina | Argentina | Bolivia |
T: +54 11 5239-0688 | T: +(5411) 53 686610 | T: +59162064113 |
E: info@scinstruments.com | E: ejimenez@damicosistemas.com | E: info@chemsolbolivia.com |
W: https://www.scinstruments.com/ | W: www.damicosistemas.com | W: http://www.chemsolbolivia.com/ |
General Lab Solutions | Tecnal Equipamentos Cientificos | DC Tech |
Brazil – Rio | Brazil – Piracicaba | Brazil – Sao Paulo |
T: +55 (21) 2782-0045 | T: +55 (19) 2105-6161 | T: + 55 11 4591 2813 |
E: coliveira@general-lab.com.br | E: priscila.cola@tecnal.net.br | E: marco.felix@dctech.com.br |
W: https://general-lab.com.br/ | W: Tecnal Equipamentos Científicos | W: https://www.dctech.com.br/ |
Wortzgama Scientific | Soluciones Técnicas y Químicas | S&S Ingenieria S.A.S |
Chile | Chile | Colombia |
T: +56 32 2830720 | T: +56 2 3340 2791 | T: +57-1-4029569 M: +57 300 622 43 80 |
E: gmoraga@wortzgama.cl | E: leonardoal@soteq.cl | E: javier.vega@sysingenieria.co |
W: wortzgama.cl/ | W: https://www.soteq.cl/ | W: http://sysingenieria.co |
Kasalab Equipos y Suministros de Laboratorio | ANNAR Health Technologies (HPLC Only) | Analitica Salvadoreña |
Colombia | Colombia | Central America |
T: +57 604 362 91 87 M: +57 300 622 43 80 | T: +57) 318 363 76 68 | T: +503 2525 9400 |
E: info@kasalab.com | E: patricia.lopez@annardx.com | E: galileo.sanchez@analiticasal.com |
W: https://www.kasalab.com/ | W: https://annardx.com/ | W: https://analiticasal.com/ |
Servolab, C.A. | Instrumentech CIA. LTDA. | Analytical Service Peru |
Venezuela | Ecuador | Peru |
T: +58 286 994-5618 | T: +593 2 2975951 | T: +(51) 946 865 849 |
E: jose.mago@servolab.com.ve | E: lenin.avalosc@instrumentech.com | E: analytical@analyticalserviceperu.com |
W: www.servolab.com.ve | W: https://www.instrumentech.com/ | W: www.analyticalserviceperu.com/ |
Cimatec | ||
Peru | ||
T: + 51 981 389 715 | ||
E: adextre@cimatec.com.pe | ||
W: https://website.cimatec.pe/wp/ |
AnAs d.o.o. | Amedis, spol. s.r.o. | SCION Instruments |
Croatia | Czech Republic | France |
T: +385(0)1 6625 606 | T: 281 918 191 | T: +31 (0) 113 287 600 |
E: info@anas.com.hr | E: sales@amedis.cz | E: sales-france@scioninstruments.com |
W: www.anas.com.hr | W: www.amedis.cz | W: https://scioninstruments.com// |
Inzelmann GmbH | Ingenieurburo Gerike | HALA Labortechnik |
Germany | Germany | Germany |
T: +49 50319590572 | T: +49 30 30099306 | T: +49 162 6052189 |
E: lobbel@inzelmann.de | E: ger@irg.de | E: birker@halasb.de |
W: www.inzelmann.com | W: www.irg.de | W: https://www.halasb.de/ |
Precisa Gravimetrics GmbH | Rigas Labs | Elementec Ltd. |
Techcomp – Germany | Greece | Ireland |
T: +49610684549902 | T:+30 2310 550669 F:+30 2310 550073 | T: +353 (0)1 9602050 |
E: info@precisa.com | E: rigas@rigaslabs.gr | E: sales@elementec.ie |
W: http://www.scioninstruments.com | W: www.rigaslabs.gr | W: http://www.elementec.ie/ |
LLP Distritech | Atlas Laboratory Technical Services | UAB “Nano Vita” |
Republic of Kazakhstan | Italy | Lithuania |
T: +7 (727) 228-06-45 | T: +39 081 818 2790 M: +39 327 492 8984 | T: – |
E: info@distritech.kz | E: info@atlas-labservices.com | E: info@nanovita.lt |
W: www.distritech.kz | W: www.atlas-labservices.com/ | W: www.nanovita.lt |
s.c. Mecro System S.R.L. | SAMSI | Instrument Solutions Benelux B.V. |
Romania | Norway/Sweden/Denmark | The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxemburg |
T: +40 21 444 70 02 | T: +47 35 97 56 00 | T: +31(0)88 467 87 86 |
E: office@mecrosystem.ro | E: terje@samsi.no | E: cs@instrument-solutions.com |
W: www.mecrosystem.ro | W: www.samsi.no | W: www.instrument-solutions.com |
Selwa Sp. z o.o. | Specanalitica | LSAJ Soluciones S.L |
Poland | Portugal | Spain |
T: +48 22 29 25 106 and +48 22 29 25 107 | T: +351 214842635 | T: (+34) 91 123 82 34 |
E: biuro@selwa-lab.pl | E: geral@specanalitica.pt | E: info@labsolutions.es |
W: www.selwa-lab.pl/main | W: www.specanalitica.pt | W: https://www.labsolutions.es |
CE Instruments Ltd | CI Informatics Ltd. | KRSS Ltd |
United Kingdom | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
T: +44 (0) 1942 733362 | T: +44 (0)1235 851936 | T: +44 (0)161 2410040 |
E: sales@ceinstruments.co.uk | E: info@ciinformatics.co.uk | E: deanm@krssltd.com |
W: https://www.ceinstruments.co.uk | W: www.ciinformatics.co.uk | W: www.krssltd.com |
Krijon Ltd | Info lab Ltd. | LLP Labionix |
Albania | Bulgaria and Macedonia | Republic of Kazakhstan |
T:+355 42 340 817 | T: | T: +7 707 15 000 51 |
E: sales@krijon.al | E: | E: info@labionix.kz |
W: https://krijon.al/en/home-en/ | W: www.infolab-bg.com | W: www.labionix.kz |
East-Diagnostics doo Beograd | IdeaLab, LLC | Lab and Production Solutions LLC |
Serbia | Ukraine | Uzbekistan |
T: +381 63 59 47 36 | T: +380 66 178 45 00 | T: + 998 95 170 44 48 |
E: danica.prosic@east-diagnostics.com | E: yp@idealab.com.ua | E: sales@lps.uz |
W: www.east-diagnostics.com | W: idealab.com.ua | W: www.lps.uz |
Middle East and Africa
Gulf Scientific Corporation (GSC) | Techcomp Middle East FZCO | SCION Instruments (NL) B.V |
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar | Abu Dhabi | Algeria |
T: +971 50 589 6933 | T: +97142045930 | T: + 216 54 561 255 |
E: mahmoud.gharib@gulf-scientific.com | E: info@techcomp.me | E: Zayed.Baccari@scioninstruments.com |
W: www.gulf-scientific.com | W: https://techcomp-instruments.com/techcomp-middle-east/ | W: https://scioninstruments.com// |
Techcomp Middle East FZCO | Techcomp Middle East FZCO | Engineering group for Advanced Technology |
Bahrain | Dubai | Egypt |
T: +97142045930 | T: +97142045930 | T: +(202) 3762 4897 |
E: info@techcomp.me | E: info@techcomp.me | E: info@ega-tech.com |
W: https://techcomp-instruments.com/techcomp-middle-east/ | W: https://techcomp-instruments.com/techcomp-middle-east/ | W: www.ega-tech.net |
Techcomp Middle East FZCO | Elite Scientific Company | Medi-Fischer Engineering & Science |
Iraq | Iraq | Israel |
T: +97142045930 | T: 009647711563326 M: 009647833382987 | T: +972-3-5335500 M: +972-54-9221182 |
E: info@techcomp.me | E: sales1@elitsco.com | E: galo@medi-fischer.com |
W: https://techcomp-instruments.com/techcomp-middle-east/ | W: www.elitsco.com | W: https://www.medi-fischer.com/ |
Eckolab West Africa | Al Shaker Scientific & Medical Supplies Company | ISOLAB Maroc |
Ivory Coast | Jordan | Morocco |
T: (+225) 07 78 1 855 02 | T: +962 6 5356474 | T: +212 (0) 522 59 23 06 |
E: info@eckolabwordwide.com | E: sales@al-shaker.com | E: ailias@isolabmaroc.com |
W: https://eckolab-worldwide.com/ | W: www.al-shaker.com | W: www.isolabmaroc.com |
Techcomp Middle East FZCO | ||
Oman | ||
T: +97142045930 | ||
E: info@techcomp.me | ||
W: https://techcomp-instruments.com/techcomp-middle-east/ |
Techcomp Middle East FZCO | Techcomp Middle East FZCO | Chromspec |
Qatar | Saudi Arabia | South Africa |
T: +97142045930 | T: +97142045930 | T: 0788429636 |
E: info@techcomp.me | E: info@techcomp.me | E: sales@chromspec.co.za |
W: https://techcomp-instruments.com/techcomp-middle-east/ | W: https://techcomp-instruments.com/techcomp-middle-east/ | W: www.chromspec.co.za |
Rotadia Laboratuvar Sistemleri | ||
Turkey | ||
T: +90 232 374 44 43 | ||
E: info@rotadia.com.tr | ||
W: www.rotadia.com.tr |
Asia and Australia
Crea Laboratory Technologies Pty Ltd | Overseas Marketing Corporation (Pvt) Ltd | Techcomp China |
Australia | Bangladesh | China |
T: +61 2 4320 6670 | T:+88 09602666662 | T: +852-27519488 |
E: sales@crealt.com.au | E: mannan@omcbd.com | E: techcomp@techcomp.com.hk |
W: creaanalytical.com.au/scion-instruments/ | W: www.analytical.omcbd.com | W: https://techcomp-instruments.com/ |
Techcomp Limited | Saranalab Mandiri Analitika | SCION India |
Hong Kong/Macau | Indonesia | Scion Instruments |
T: +852 2751 9488 M: (WhatsApp/WeChat) +852-6132 1139 | T: (021) 82736962 | T: +919650324254 |
E: scion-asia@techcomp.com.hk | E: info@saranalaboratorium.com | E: sales-india@scioninstruments.com |
W: www.techcomp.com.hk | W:www.saranalaboratorium.com | W: https://scioninstruments.com// |
SCION Instruments Korea | Techcomp Limited | Crea Laboratory Technologies Ltd (NZ) |
Korea | Malaysia | New Zealand |
T: 031-712-7373 | T: +852 2751 9488 M: (WhatsApp/WeChat) +852-6132 1139 | T: 0800 273 037 |
E: contact.scioninstruments@scioninst.co.kr | E: scion-asia@techcomp.com.hk | E: sales@crealt.co.nz |
W: www.scioninstruments.co.kr | W: www.techcomp.com.hk | W: www.crealt.co.nz/ |
Techcomp Limited | XPRT Ventures Inc | Techcomp Singapore Pte Ltd |
Pakistan | Philippines | Singapore |
T: +852 2751 9488 M: (WhatsApp/WeChat) +852-6132 1139 | T: + (63) – 049 306 0593 | T: +65-62678921 |
E: scion-asia@techcomp.com.hk | E: contact@xprt.com.ph | E: techcomp@techcomp.com.sg |
W: www.techcomp.com.hk | W: www.xprt.com.ph | W: www.techcomp.com.sg |
Viet Nguyen Technology Service Trading Co. Ltd | Techcomp Thailand | |
Vietnam | Thailand | |
T: (+84-8) 66 570 570 | T: +66-2-576 1629-30 | |
E: long@vietnguyenco.vn | E: service@techcomp.co.th | |
W: https://vietnguyenco.vn/ | W: www.techcomp.com |