CHROMtalks 2024: Mastering Method Development: The Science Behind Successful Results

SCION Instruments are thrilled to be sponsoring the upcoming LCGC CHROMtalks 2024 virtual symposium, taking place on June 12th – 13th.

This years CHROMtalks topic is: Mastering Method Development – The Key to Success in Scientific Research.

The theme of mastering method development is essential for any scientist striving for accurate and successful laboratory results.

To support the event, our Applications Lead Scientist – James Hogan – has recorded a highly informative 20 minute presentation giving you a ‘How To Guide for GC Method Development’

James covers the following key topics in his presentation:
• Initial considerations – column choice, liner choice, instrument parameters
• Optimising method – achieving resolution, sensitivity using analytical standard
• Introducing sample matrix – sample prep considerations
• SCION consumables kits overview – perfect for method development
• Validation considerations to ensure good working of method

He also includes links to valuable content such as Technical Notes for you to explore after the presentation.

By simply registering for the event, you will be able to access this presentation, and the full 2 Day schedule of live content and other amazing assets provided by LCGC.

Sign up now for this free event now !